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Международный проекта ФОРМА=РАКУРС
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Итоги Международного выставочно-конкурсного проекта ФОРМА=РАКУРС

Подведены итоги Международного выставочно-конкурсного проекта ФОРМА=РАКУРС посвященного 130-летию со дня рождения Александра Родченко.

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Онлайн-встреча с участниками и членами жюри проекта «Форма = Ракурс 2021»

works of the jury and the organizing committee of the International Exhibition and Competition Project » FORM=RAKURS»,
dedicated to the 130th anniversary of Alexander Rodchenko

  1. International exhibition and competition project «FORM = RAKURS» (hereinafter referred to as the Project) was carried out within the framework of the annual event «FORM = …», aimed at popularizing the history and practice of world design. Each year the event is dedicated to the anniversary of significant events in the history of design and design education. In 2021, such an occasion was the 130th anniversary of Alexander Rodchenko, teacher, designer, artist, founder and master of foreshortening photography.
  2. The organizers of the Project were:
  • Don State Technical University, Department «Design»;
  • International Association «Union of Designers»:
  • China Europe International Design Culture Association (CEIDA);
  • Zhengzhou Graphic Design Association.
  1. The project partners are:
  • Fund «Moscow Encyclopedias»;
  • Union of Architects of Russia;
  • Union of Designers of Russia;
  • Creative Union of Artists of Russia.
  1. The main goals of the project are:
  • fostering respect and interest of society in the heritage of Russian artistic culture;
  • identification of the best ideas and professional developments in the field of artistic and design creativity; activation of the creative and scientific potential of young designers;
  • creation of a favorable environment for contacts between students, professionals and creative associations.
  • creation of project pages in social networks to promote the project and effective interaction with participants and stakeholders from Russia and abroad.
  1. The project included a number of creative activities:
  • competition for students of specialized universities and young professionals in four nominations — «Poster», «Graphic composition», «Environmental objects», «Photography and artistic photography»;
  • Exhibition World Tour-China Station, presented in Zhengzhou (China), as well as a virtual exhibition of professional participants and the best competitive works in the nominations, published on the website of the International Public Association «Union of Designers».
  1. The project participants were students of specialized art, design and architecture universities, teachers, practicing specialists in various creative fields. In total, 1063 works from 506 participants were announced. Among them there are 102 works from professionals. The geography of the project covers 22 countries of the world, including Austria, Argentina, Bangladesh; Belarus, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Israel, Iran, Italy, Canada, China, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Russia, USA, Turkey, Ukraine, Switzerland, Japan.
    Among the participants are students and teachers from 100 Russian and foreign universities, who are leaders in the field of world design, art and architecture education.
  2. The project jury was co-chaired by:
    • Meskhi Besarion, Rector of Don State Technical University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia, Member of the Central Council of the All-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers (Rostov-on-Don, Russia);
    • Bobykin Alexander, architect, designer, President of the International Public Association «Union of Designers», Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts (Moscow, Russia).
  3. The competition in the «Poster» nomination was assessed by the jury in the following composition:
     Stytsenko-Styber Alice, designer, creative director of Dockcom Pty Ltd (Melbourne, Australia)
     Zhe Liang, Designer, Professor at Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Advisor and Director of Design, Art Design Center, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Deputy Secretary General of China Europe International Design Culture Association (Zhengzhou, China)
     Seif Hesham, designer, researcher in the field of visual communication, teaches at the German University in Cairo (GUC) at the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Arts (ASA), a member of the China Europe International Design Culture Association, winner of numerous professional design competitions in various countries of the world ( Cairo, Egypt)
     Suleimenova Maria, designer, deputy executive director of the International Association of Designers for exhibition projects, member of the Moscow Union of Artists, general director of the STRG.GROUP Creative Bureau, editor-in-chief of DesignNews.ru (Moscow, Russia)
     Fudimova Elizaveta, designer, associate professor of the department «Design» of the Don State Technical University, art director of the creative association «Quotes», member of the International Association of Designers (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
     Kozhina Natalya, designer, expert in the field of visual content on the web, senior lecturer of the Department of Design, Don State Technical University, member of the International Association of Designers (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
     Olga Severina (Los Angeles, USA) is a graphic designer with a Ph.D. in Visual Arts. Olga is a founder and curator of the PosterTerritory initiative, which promotes socially conscious graphic design events. She is a participant, jury member, and organizer of international art exhibits, and an author of books and publications on visual arts.
    Based on the results of the jury’s work, the following winners were identified in the nomination:
    1 PLACE — Collective student project; hands. Natalia Kozhina, Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
    1 PLACE — Site Xie; Chinese Academy of Arts (Hangzhou, China)
    2nd PLACE — Polyanskaya Maria, hands. Dorokhina Alexandra Alexandrovna, Kozhina Natalya Vasilievna, Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
    2nd PLACE — Karilla Karakhan; Ishik University of Feyzie Schools Foundation (Istanbul, Turkey)
    3rd PLACE — Chao An Lei, Li Ming Huang; North Bay University (North Bay, Ontario, Canada)
    3rd PLACE — Lukyanenko Victoria, hands. Elena Kostyrina, Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
    3rd PLACE — Valeria Vasilchenko; hands. Natalia Kozhina, Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
    3rd PLACE — Koen Mikaela; University of Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
    3rd PLACE — Huizhou Li, Hefei Normal University (Hefei, Anhui, China).
  4. The competition in the «Graphic composition» nomination was assessed by the jury in the following composition:
     Tom Northy, designer, illustrator, master of graphic design, professor at the University for the Creative Arts, member of the China Europe International Design Culture Association (Farnham, UK)
     Fernando (Nando) Rosamilla, artist, photographer, professor of advertising graphics and photography at Liceo Artistico Sabatini-Menna (Salerno, Italy)
     Marley Joseph Desir, artist, art historian, winner of multiple awards in the field of contemporary art, member of the China Europe International Design Culture Association (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
     Tsigal Sergey, graphic artist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts, member of the Moscow Union of Artists, participant of more than 200 exhibitions in Russia and abroad (Moscow, Russia)
     Strelkov Dmitry, artist, member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, International Art Fund, Chairman of the Abstract Painting section of the Eurasian Art Union, author of more than 80 personal exhibitions (Moscow, Russia)
     Ramenskaya Julia, designer, associate professor of the Department of Architecture and Design, Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunova, Chairman of the Altai Regional Organization of the Union of Designers of Russia (Barnaul, Russia).
    Based on the results of the jury’s work, the following winners were identified in the nomination:
    1st PLACE — Anna Romanenko; hands. Sevostyanova Olga Nikolaevna; Ural State University of Architecture and Art (Yekaterinburg, Russia)
    2nd PLACE — Poo Jacquin, Academy of Fine Arts of Florence (Florence, Italy)
    2nd PLACE — Elena Shubentseva, hands. Smirnova Margarita Alexandrovna, Dunaeva Irina Vladimirovna; Ural State University of Architecture and Art (Yekaterinburg, Russia)
    3rd PLACE — Elizaveta Molokova; hands. Dunaeva Irina Vladimirovna; Ural State University of Architecture and Art (Yekaterinburg, Russia)
    3rd PLACE — Anna Volkova, hands. Mortaev Alexander Vladimirovich; Siberian State Institute of Arts. D. Hvorostovsky (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
    3rd PLACE — Yu Wang; Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts (Tianjin, China)
    3rd PLACE — Dubovik Anastasia; hands. Piguzova Christina; Moscow Art and Industry Institute (Moscow, Russia)
  5. The competition in the nomination «Environmental objects» was assessed by the jury in the following composition:
     Moro Pierre, architect and designer, official representative of the International Association +39 in Russia, head of the design and interior design studio Art Studio HOUSE, lecturer at the Polytechnic University of Milan, (Milan, Italy)
     Peppa Rosamilla, artist, researcher of contemporary art, participant in numerous group and personal exhibitions and art events in Italy, Spain, Poland, Greece, Brazil, Korea, Russia, etc., taught fine arts at the Licei Artistici Campaign. (Castel San Giorgio, Salerno, Italy)
     Rikke Hansen, designer, head of the author’s design studio, head of the Design School Kolding, associate professor at the University of Southern Denmark, member of the China Europe International Design Culture Association (South Jutland, Denmark)
     Martin Liu, Designer, Master of Arts in Creative Entrepreneurship in the Cultural Industry (Goldsmiths, University of London), Secretary General of China Europe International Design Culture Association (Antwerp, Belgium)
     Yankovskaya Julia, architect, head of the «Urban planning» department of the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Doctor of Architecture, professor, member of the Union of Architects of the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg, Russia)
     Stakheev Oleg, architect, head of the department «Architectural design» of the Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, candidate of architecture, member of the Union of Architects of the Russian Federation, Honorary Architect of the Russian Federation (Tomsk, Russia).
    Based on the results of the jury’s work, the following winners were identified in the nomination:
    1st PLACE — Svetlana Solomatnikova; hands. Sokolova Marina Alekseevna,
    Silkina Marina Aleksandrovna, Sobolev Gleb Anatolyevich; Moscow State Architectural Institute, (Moscow, Russia)
    2nd PLACE — Sergey Rogulev; hands. Yankovskaya Yulia Sergeevna, Skopina Maria Valentinovna, Lushnikova Maria Vladimirovna; Saint Petersburg University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
    2nd PLACE — Maria Kopylova, hands. VP Klochkov, Oleg Vladimirovich Zagrebin; Ural State University of Architecture and Art (Yekaterinburg, Russia)
    3rd PLACE — Kutsenosova Angelinv, hands. Sokolova Marina Alekseevna,
    Silkina Marina Aleksandrovna, Sobolev Gleb Anatolyevich; Moscow State Architectural Institute, (Moscow, Russia)
    3rd PLACE — Lai Zebin, Shandong University of Arts and Crafts (Shandong, China)
    3rd PLACE — Eremenko Yulia, hands. Natalia Kozhina, Alexander Travin, Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
  6. The competition in the nomination «Аrtistic photography» was assessed by the jury in the following composition:
     Rosamilla Enzo, photographer, artist, professor at Liceo Artistico Sabatini-Menna, author of numerous personal exhibitions in various countries of the world (Salerno, Italy)
     Bronstein Shlomo, photo artist, journalist, author of numerous publications in print and electronic media, participant of creative exhibitions in different countries of the world (Russia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Great Britain, Israel), (Hadera, Israel)
     Folkert Kattemölle, designer, graduate of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague and the Academy of Fine Arts in Utrecht, art director of the eyedesignBNO design studio, co-founder, publisher and art director of the independent Dutch youth magazine Gett (Uddorp, the Netherlands)
     Zhilyaev Evgeniy, photo artist, member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia and the International Federation of Artists, the Eurasian Art Union (chairman of the section for author photography), the Professional Union of Artists, the Creative Club of Photographers «RosFoto», the International Academy of Culture and Art (Moscow, Russia)
     Eshva Liza, artist, photographer, member of the Board of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia (art photo section), member of the National Association of Photo Industry Professionals, author of a course on styling in interior photography (Moscow, Russia)
     Berdnik Tatiana, designer, head of the department «Design» of the Don State Technical University, professor, PHD, member of the International Public Association «Union of Designers» (Rostov-on-Don, Russia).
    Based on the results of the jury’s work, the following winners were identified in the nomination:
    1st PLACE — Shabanova Adelina; Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
    2nd PLACE — Zagidullina Elnara, hands. Kudryasheva Elena Alexandrovna; Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Kazan, Russia)
    2 PLACE — Zhebrovskaya Sophia, hands. Berdnik Tatiana Olegovna; Don State Technical University (Anapa, Russia)
    3rd PLACE — Zining Zhang; Jiangsu Pedagogical University (Jiangsu, China)
    3rd PLACE — Yu Wentao; Nanjing University of Technology (Nanjing, China)
    государственный институт искусства и культуры (Белгород, Россия)
    3rd PLACE — Vozny Vladislav; hands. Shiryaeva Yulia Alexandrovna; Belgorod State Institute of Art and Culture (Belgorod, Russia)
  7. Winners receive award diplomas of their respective degrees.
  8. Teachers, supervisors of student works, marked by the jury, receive a laureate diploma in the nomination «Design Education». This is:
    • Berdnik Tatyana Olegovna, Don State Technical University;
    • Danilchenko Olga Vladimirovna, Moscow Institute of Art and Industry;
    • Ivan V. Demyanenko, Nizhnevartovsk State University;
    • Dorokhina Alexandra Alexandrovna, Don State Technical University;
    • Zagrebin Oleg Vladimirovich, Ural State University of Architecture and Art;
    • Zemelev Serafim Nikolaevich, South-Russian Humanitarian Institute;
    • Zvonareva Polina Pavlovna, Siberian Federal University;
    • Tatyana Sergeevna Igoshina, Ural State University of Architecture and Art;
    • Klimenko Pyotr Yakovlevich, Don State Technical University;
    • VP Klochkov, Ural State University of Architecture and Art;
    • Natalia Kozhina, Don State Technical University;
    • Kostyrina Elena Konstantinovna, Don State Technical University;
    • Vitaly Sergeevich Krokhalev, Ural State University of Architecture and Art;
    • Pavel Kuzmin, Ural State University of Architecture and Art;
    • Kupriyanova Elena Vladimirovna, Don State Technical University;
    • Livak Stepan Stepanovich, Siberian State Institute of Art. D. Hvorostovsky;
    • Lushnikova Maria Vladimirovna, St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
    • Olga Pavlovna Medvedeva, Southern Federal University;
    • Mortaev Alexander Vladimirovich, Siberian State Institute of Art named after D. Hvorostovsky;
    • Musalliamova Diana Rinatovna, Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
    • Irina V. Potreba, Siberian Federal University;
    • Puntus Ekaterina Yurievna, Crimean University of Culture, Art and Tourism;
    • Ramenskaya Yulia Vladimirovna, Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunova;
    • Khudyakova Natalya Vasilievna, Ural State University of Architecture and Art;
    • Silkina Marina Aleksandrovna, Moscow Architectural Institute;
    • Skopina Maria Valentinovna; St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
    • Sobolev Gleb Anatolyevich, Moscow Architectural Institute;
    • Sokolova Marina Alekseevna, Moscow Architectural Institute;
    • Travin Alexander Vladimirovich, Don State Technical University;
    • Tukhbatullina Leysan Marselevna, Kazan National Research Technological University;
    • Filipskaya Irina Viktorovna, Siberian Federal University;
    • Fudimova Elizaveta Vladimirovna, Don State Technical University;
    • Shiryaeva Yulia Aleksandrovna, Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture;
    • Yankovskaya Yulia Sergeevna; St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
  9. The project partner, the Moscow Encyclopedia Foundation, has instituted certificates for the leaders of the best competitive student works. Diplomas received:
    • Tatyana Sergeevna Igoshina, Ural State University of Architecture and Art;
    • Natalia Kozhina, Don State Technical University;
    • Kolbina Natalya Vladimirovna, Ural State University of Architecture and Art;
    • Pavel Kuzmin, Ural State University of Architecture and Art;
    • Kupriyanova Elena Vladimirovna, Don State Technical University;
    • Ineta Matrosova, Crimean University of Culture, Art and Tourism;
    • Pavlovskaya Anastasia Anatolyevna, Nizhnevartovsk State University;
    • Piguzova Kristina Vladimirovna, Moscow Institute of Art and Industry;
    • Ramenskaya Yulia Vladimirovna, Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunova;
    • Vladimir Tipikin, Ural State University of Architecture and Art;
    • Filipskaya Irina Viktorovna, Siberian Federal University;
    • Khudyakova Natalya Vasilievna, Ural State University of Architecture and Art;
    • Cherny Igor Alexandrovich, Belgorod State Institute of Art and Culture;
    • Shiryaeva Yulia Aleksandrovna, Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture;
    • Yankovskaya Yulia Sergeevna; St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
  10. The following Project participants are awarded with diplomas of the International Public Association «Union of Designers»:
    • Abdi Hossein (Iran);
    • Berdnik Tatiana (Russia);
    • Bronstein Shlomo (Israel);
    • Wen Ivey (China);
    • Zhilyaev Evgeniy (Russia);
    • Kashevsky Pavel (Belarus);
    • Kozhina Natalia (Russia);
    • Krammer Jean-Paul (Austria);
    • Lee Martin (Belgium / China);
    • Longava Patricia (Poland);
    • Nuur Rahman Khan (Bangladesh)
    • Rosamillo Enzo (Italy);
    • Rosamillo Fernando (Italy);
    • Rosamillo Pepe (Italy);
    • Xie website (China);
    • Severina Olga (USA);
    • Tofil Jacek (Poland);
    • Chen Jie (China);
    • Eshva Elizaveta (Russia);
    • Yu Yang (China).
  11. Participants of the World Tour-China Station exhibition in Zhengzhou (China) receive certificates from the China Europe International Design Culture Association (CEIDA). Their list can be found at the link https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1209364499494233&set=pcb.1209372969493386
  12. All project participants receive diplomas.
  13. All members of the jury receive letters of thanks from Besarion Chokhoevich Meskhi, rector of the Don State Technical University.
  14. The jury’s decision is final, not subject to change or discussion.
  15. The Organizing Committee of the Project consisted of the following:
    Chairman — Vladimir Kolodkin, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia);
    Deputy Chairman — Tatiana Berdnik, Head of the Department of Design, Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia);
    Members of the organizing committee:
     Martin Liu — Secretary General of the China Europe International Design Culture Association (Antwerp, Belgium);
     Zhe Liang — Advisor and Director of Design, Art Design Center, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry; Deputy General Secretary of the China Europe International Design Culture Association (Zhengzhou, China);
     Natalya Kozhina — expert in the field of visual content on the web, senior lecturer at the Department of Design, Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia);
     Fudimova Elizaveta, associate professor of the Department of Design, Don State Technical University, art director of the creative association «Quotes» (Rostov-on-Don, Russia);
     Shabanova Adelina — laboratory assistant, Department of Design, Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia);
     Savchenko Angelina — Engineer, Department of Design, Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia).
    You can get acquainted with the works of the Project participants on the pages of social networks:
    Instagram (formarnd),
    Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000895949230, https://www.facebook.com/groups/857701441381857)
    Проректор ДГТУ Колодкин В.А.