Дорогие друзья!
Мы рады представить специально приглашенного куратора Международной Общественной Ассоциации «Союз Дизайнеров» Мохамеда Закарию Солтана.
Мы особенно хотим отметить, что Мохамед Закария Солтан является высочайшим профессионалом в области искусства графики и графического дизайна. Наша Ассоциация стремится приглашать профессионалов со всего мира чтобы вместе создавать самые лучшие проекты в области дизайна.
Dear friends!
We are pleased to introduce the specially invited curator of the International Public Association «Union of Designers» Mohamed Zakaria Soltan.
We especially want to note that Mohamed Zakaria Soltan is the highest professional in the art of graphics and graphic design. Our Association strives to invite professionals from all over the world to create the best design projects together.

An Egyptian Visual Artist, Engraver, Digital Artist, Painter, Graphic designer, Poster Designer, «B.F.A.»:
Bachelor of “Fine Arts”, “Helwan University”, “Graphic Department”, Egypt, 1996, «M.A.A.»: Master of “Applied Arts”, “Helwan University”, “Advertising Department”, Egypt, 2004, «Ph.D.»: Doctorate of “Applied Arts”, “Helwan University”, “Advertising Department”, Egypt, 2010. Full-time Doctor of advertising, Advertising, Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, October 6 University (O6U), Giza, He published many Papers in International Conferences in Egypt, Jordan, France, He got Grants, Awards, Medals, & Shields, Member and Honorary Member at many of Art & Design Professional Associations Worldwide, He was an International Jury, Commissaire & Curator/Joint-Curator in different countries, some of his artworks printed on Cover Books in Poland, Some of his artworks Published in An American Art Magazine called: “The Hand”, Kansas City in Different Issues, His art & design works collected by some of museums, Biennial, Triennial worldwide, He Participated in some online design events in Spain & Russia.
The Following His Art & Design Efforts in Numbers:
First: 18 Solo Art & Design Exhibitions Worldwide. (7 of them in Poland)
Second: 9 Online Art & Design Solo Exhibitions Worldwide.
Third: More Than 140 International Participations: Art & Design Group Exhibitions, Biennials, Triennials, Festivals Worldwide.
Fourth: More Than 40 Group art Exhibitions in Egypt (Selected Only)
Grants, Awards, Medals, & Shields:
1- «Shield of Excellence of the Ismailia Salon of Fine Arts»: I was honored by the «Cultural Palace of Ismailia» by receiving the «Shield of Excellence of the Ismailia Salon of Fine Arts» (fourth edition), Egypt, June 2013.
2- Prof. Dr. Hussein Al-Jebali Engrave Prize: I participated in the First Egyptian-Arab Forum 2013, held at the Cultural Palace in Giza, Egypt, (Started on 29/10/2013 and lasted for a month). I won Prof. Dr. Hussein Al-Jebali Engrave Prize, on 29/10/2013 I was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from the presidency of the Greater Cairo and Northern Upper Egypt Cultural Region,
Cultural Palace of Giza. My artwork was transferred and displayed at the «Hanager Centre for Arts». (I was honored by the President of the General Authority for Cultural Palaces, Mr. Saad Abdul-Rahman. I was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from the Director of the Giza Cultural Branch).
3- The first Engraving prize: I won the first Engraving prize in a contest organized by the Armed Forces in 2013 under the title of A Nation’s Crossing, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, the General Authority for Cultural Palaces, and the General Department of Fine Arts and Environmental Crafts, in collaboration with the Department of Moral Affairs of the Armed Forces. I was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from the President of the General Authority for Cultural Palaces, Egypt.
4- The third prize in “Sayed Darwish” Contest in Engraving Field: Egyptian Melodies Competition, organized by «The Saad Zaghloul Cultural Centre» in cooperation with The General Authority for Cultural Palaces, held in the Cultural Palace of Assiut, Cairo Atelier and Alexandria Atelier, Egypt, April 2014.
5- Honorary Mention Award: International Contemporary Miniprint of KazanlaK 2015, Bulgaria, 1 June 2015. URL:
6- «Acknowledgment for the CGD Graphic Artwork» in «The 1st. International Exhibition of Exlibris», at The Gallery of the Open University, Subotica, Serbia, The opening ceremony on 13, November 2015.
7- Travel Grant & Golden Medal, I represented my country from The Egyptian Ministry of Culture to Travel to China “As a governmental grant” to participate in «Hangzhou China Global Arts Agenda» which held at The Hangzhou Library «J Building of Citizen Center» from 11 October till 16 October 2016, And my artworks of this event collected by the «Hangzhou Qianjiang International Art Museum», also I got The «Golden medal of G20 Outstanding Works Award» from the organizer of «Hangzhou China Global Arts Agenda», October 2016 And 2 Collection Certificates from the «Hangzhou Qianjiang International Art Museum», China.
8- The Excellence Award Certificate of Two Leaning Towers 2019 Poster Exhibition, Suzhou Association of Graphic Designers, China, 2019.
9- The R + Gallery of the Szczecin Art Academy Solo Art Award, in the 6th International Triennial of Graphic Digital Arts, Gdynia 2019, Poland (The award was Solo Art Exhibition at R + Gallery), Poland, 2019.
10- Selection Award Certificate of 2019 Beijing Design Week INK ART & Pattern — The Special Works Exhibition of International Design, China, 2019.
1- A member of C-IDEA (China International Design Educator Association), China, 2018. Membership No: 20180129001.
2- A «Committee Member» of RED Internacional DE Creadores Visuales A.C., Mexico, Certificate Issued No: RINC20200002, 2020.
3- CEIDCA: China Europe International Design Culture Association Honorary Member, Belgium, 2020.
4- SMTG Member, Poland, 2021.
5- A member of KECD, Korea, Certificate Issued No: 20210901, 2021.
6- A member of CPS: Cinema Professions Syndicate in Egypt, Egypt, No: 4755, 2021.
7- A member of SPA: Syndicate of Plastic Arts in Egypt, Egypt, No: 675/38912021.
International Jury, Commissaire & Curator/Joint-Curator:
- — I was the «General Commissaire of the Damietta Festival for the Art of Advertising Design»: held simultaneously in Damietta four culture palaces, (19-31 December 2013). I was honored 2 honored certificates one by the Central Administration of the East of Delta Cultural Region, the General Authority for Cultural Palaces. and the second was honored by the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Arts University of Damietta for this festival, Egypt.
- — The Certificate of International Jury Member from, The Peruvian Design Association, Peru, 2020.
- — The Certificate of Jury in The First International Image Meeting: Verne and the right to image, RINC Puebla, Mexico, August 2020.
- — International Jury of «Draw Egypt» competition held by The Russian State Children’s Library and the Bureau of Culture of the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Moscow, Russia, 2020, URL: https://rgdb.ru/konkursy/narisuj-egipet/6010-vserossijskij-konkurs-detskogo-risunka-narisuj-egipet
- — Certified as a Joint Curator in the Taiwan Global Anti-Virus Graphic Design Exhibition by Kaohsiung Creators Association, Taiwan, 2020.
- — Certified from 2021 Chinese College Design Zodiac Competition as a Joint Curator of The Exhibition, China, 2021.
D: Cover Books Art:
1- One of my C-Prints of My Solo Art Exhibition: Digital Pharaoh in Poland, Printed on The Polish Book-Cover called: «Metafors Wspolczesnosci 2019», And on Book Pages from 290 to 292 published my CV and my Personal Photo as the artist of book cover, Poland, 2019, ISBN: 978-83-8189-178-3
2- Another artwork of my C-Prints of My Solo Art Exhibition: Digital Pharaoh in Poland, Printed on The Polish Book-Cover called: “Zlodzieika Snow”, by: Alicja Maria Kuberska, Poland, 2020, ISBN: 978-83-8221-226-6
Personal Collections & At Associations in many countries like: Egypt, Poland, Italy, UK, USA, Australia, Romania, Brazil, Serbia, Belgium, Spain, Belarus, China & Many others like the following:
1- Collection Certificate of BIAB 2015: The 6th Beijing International Art Biennial Collection, hold at «The National Art Museum of China» & sponsored by: China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, People’s Government of Beijing Municipality & China Artists Association, China, 2015.
2- Collection Certificate of BIAB 2017: The 7th Beijing International Art Biennial Collection, hold at «The National Art Museum of China» & sponsored by: China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, People’s Government of Beijing Municipality & China Artists Association, China, 2017.
3- Fundaţia „Inter-Art” Foundation Aiud, Alba, Romania.
4- «Domus Artis Art Collection», Bitonto, Italy.
5- My Poster Collection Certificate, Collection Number: 2019YJZZ001 At the «Zhengzhou Library» «郑州图书馆» (a national first-level library) in China, 2019.
6- 2 Collection Certificates from Hangzhou Qianjiang International Art Museum, China, 2016.
7- Gold Collection of the Modern Art, Yelabuga State Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve, Russia, 2017.
8- And Many other Competitions Worldwide.